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Pampered paws mission is to help improve your dogs’ quality of life through healthy paws and skin by providing a high quality, all-natural, safe balm while using simple ingredients.


Why do you need to take care of your dog’s paws?

Because our dogs literally do everything on their feet. They play, they walk, they run, they jump and even lay down on them…

Their pads are susceptible like our hands and feet. We use moisturizers to keep our hands and feet soft and supple. Your pet will likely need some as well.

Our hot summers and dry winters can wreak havoc on skin and can cause fissures or cracks.

In winter our cities use a lot of salt on the sidewalks, which can burn and damage your dog’s paws.  Our balm is Beeswax based which hardens in cold weather, creating a protective barrier on the pad which could help minimize the amount of salt that is in direct contact with their pads.

If your dog’s pads become damaged, your dog could miss out on all the play dates, daily walks and exercise they need.

By helping to keep your dog’s pads in tip top shape, you should never have to worry.



Proudly made here in Quebec, Canada

Health Canada

Our product is approved by Health Canada



We strive to offer a natural product

for our dogs at an affordable price

Our Balm

What's in our Balm

We aim to be transparent with all our ingredients.

All our ingredients in our balm are all natural and unrefined, four simple ingredients, easy to read, easy to understand;

-Virgin coconut oil (Cocos Nucifera)

-Crude Shea Butter (Vitellaria Paradoxa)

-Extra Virgin First Cold Pressed Olive Oil

-Quebec Beeswax

When to use our Balm

Our Paw Balm is versatile, in the cold harsh winter it is the best paw protector against road salt and snow accumulations.

Winter, like summer, it is an amazing moisturizer, it’s great for our dogs’ noses, calloused elbows and of course their precious paws.


In the winter: Apply the balm just before going out for a walk, the bee’s wax hardens in colder weather, creating a protective layer against the harsh road salt and snow accumulations.  Upon your return, wipe off any access with a soft cloth.

For year round use: It’s an amazing moisturizer and hydrator. Like us, our dogs need to keep their skin and paws hydrated.  You can rub a thin layer of our balm into the pads to help prevent callused skin. Sometimes our dogs noses can become dry, so a little dab on his nose can relieve the dryness. This works great for elbows too!

In the summer: After a long walk you can moisturize their paws and keep the pads in tip top shape!  Water can actually dry out skin, so if your dog LOVES to play in the water, you can apply our balm from time to time and keep them swimming all summer. 



-Since our dogs sweat through their paws BEESWAX is one of the ONLY natural waxes that breathes and lets your dog still sweat while protecting them.

-Unrefined Coconut oil is known to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties

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F A Q's

Some of the most frequent questions we get.  If you can’t find the answer your looking for, just contact us and it will be a pleasure to answer your question.


Q: Why are there little white grainy dots in my balm?

A:  During transit, vegetable butters can melt or partially melt. As they re-cool, some butters, most particularly Shea Butter, can crystallize or become grainy. This does not impact the quality or usability of the butter.  We use unrefined Shea butter, so this can happen at times.


Q:  My product came in an Amazon box.

A:  We believe in recycling and reusing,  don’t be surprised if your shipping box or envelope has been repurposed, this is part of our sustainability plan.


Our Team

The CEOs
Quality control
Official photographer


  • 21 novembre, 2018 Excellent pour les petites pattes sèche. Soulage rapidement la douleur dû au sel l’hiver. mon chiwawa adore les petits messages. très bon produit

  • December 12, 2018 ·  j’en ai mis à mon chien qui a des problèmes avec ses coussinets très sensible et ça été fantastique il à pu faire sa promenade dans le froid sans aucun problème

  •   7 août, 2018. Bravo Pattes Choyées! Un produit extraordinaire et naturel pour les pattes de ma petite Loulou! Cela a diminuer et même arrêté ma chienne de se lécher les pattes intensément 💜un produit miracle🌸    

  • August 14, 2019 – Great product for any dog 👍👍 Would probably work on cats too 😄    

  • January 29, 2021   recommends Pattes Choyées – Pampered Paw Balm   Great product! I use this on my dogs feet when it’s very cold outside. It allows them to enjoy a walk without worrying about frozen feet getting in the way. Highly recommend!

  • March 10, 2020 My dogs love the balm! Very nice smell, love the big lipsil tube love the philosophy behind this product! Caroline is a dog lover! I absolutely recommend! Pampered paw is her baby! I will definitely Continue encouraging!

  • 18 septembre, 2020 Excellent produit ! Aide à garder les coussinets de ma pitoune bien hydratés. Idéal pour l’hiver ou pour les chiens qui marchent beaucoup sur l’asphalte ! J’aime bien le fait que le baume soit dans un tube, ça évite dans avoir pleins les mains. Merci pour ce produit 100% naturel, on l’adore […]

  • October 20,2019  Pampered Paw Balm is a wonderful product and my doggies paws thank you!

  • October 9, 2019 je recommande fortement , excellent produit

  • September 25,2019  Belle sélection de produits entièrement naturel et québecois ♡ Je recommande fortement !

  • September 25, 2019 Super belle compagnie, belle philosophie et belle qualité de produits. Je recommande fortement

  • June 9, 2018 Quel superbe produit québécois! Pattes Choyées a fait des miracles aux coussinets de mon gros toutou (qui me décapait les bras) Et tout est naturel, j’adooore Merci!!

  • June 4, 2018 – 5 stars!

  • Sep 25, 2019 Magnifique ligne de produits, je recommande fortement a tous ceux qui on des animaux avec pattes ou museau sensible ! ☺️☺️ 

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